Emmanuella Adugu
December 2024
District Nursing Bicester
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




She brought with her a refreshing lightness with her conversational humour while also embracing everyone, with her attitude to attain the most peaceful end of life for my husband
Ellie went above and beyond with her care for my husband. Especially in his final days! She arrived bouncing and bubbly, while professional and caring. Explaining everything as she went and treating M with respect. It was like she was some sort of fairy godmother arriving to magically make all right in the world... not just my husband's peaceful and pain-free demise. Ellie magically smoothed family dynamics to give us family time with my husband before he passed. She was insistent that we continue living normally around him with his best interests at heart. ​

She brought with her a refreshing lightness with her conversational humour while also embracing everyone, with her attitude to attain the most peaceful end of life for my husband, given his and our circumstances.​

Thank you, Ellie!​

Words are not enough to express our deepest gratitude! Again, thank you (from the bottom of our hearts!)​

M loved having you, too! You made him smile and comfortable, so I am sure he is also thanking you!