Rebecca 'Becca' Woolard
January 2025
Rebecca 'Becca'
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
United States




She had such a calming impact on Mom, and finally, she took the medication for Becca. Becca reassured us that she would look after Mom the rest of the night and told us she would check in to make sure she was sleeping and at ease.
Our mom (88 years old) was admitted at Beth Israel Deaconess East Campus. The first night, our mom was disoriented being in the hospital, and woke up panicked and confused, not knowing where she was. Mom called us in a panic in middle of the night. We called her nurse that evening, Becca. Becca was there to reassure us she would go to Mom's room right away to calm Mom down. Becca spoke quietly and reassured Mom that she was in a safe environment. Becca was explaining the medications to Mom because Mom was hesitant to take the meds because the hospital's medications were different colors than her home medications. Becca explained to my mom why they were different. She had such a calming impact on Mom, and finally, she took the medication for Becca. Becca reassured us that she would look after Mom the rest of the night and told us she would check in to make sure she was sleeping and at ease. These things eased our minds because we were scared and stressed when Mom called in the middle of the night. Our family is thankful to the nurses on Reisman 12th floor for reassuring our family that our 88-year-old mom was well taken care of during her hospital stay. Thank you, Reisman 12 nursing team. You are Rock Stars! We appreciate all you did for our mom during her hospital stay!