Cloee Semien
January 2025
Family Birth Center
Lake Charles Memorial Health System
Lake Charles
United States
Cloee was there the whole time, being one of my biggest sources of support, telling me how well I was doing and offering advice on how to push.
I was 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant, heading to my OB appointment. Due to my high blood pressure, they sent me to labor and delivery to get induced. Since it was my first baby, I was terrified. When my shift change came at 7 p.m., my new nurse, Cloee, introduced herself. She asked if I needed anything and how I was feeling. She was so sweet.
Later, my contractions started getting closer and more painful. I asked her for an epidural as the pain intensified, and I was crying from how bad the contractions were. She was right there, helping me with my breathing. When they brought in the epidural, I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. I started crying, saying, “I can’t do this anymore,” and she kept reassuring me, saying, “Yes, you can! Just keep breathing.”
When it was time for the epidural, I was having a contraction, and Cloee was holding me, wiping away my tears, and moving my hair out of my face. She kept encouraging me, saying I could do it. When they were cleaning my back for the epidural, another contraction hit, and I was in so much pain. She told me to lean on her, bite her jacket, or squeeze her—anything to help me through it. “I’m just here to help you,” she said. So, I decided to bite her jacket and squeeze her.
Later, during labor, I had to push for almost two hours. Cloee was there the whole time, being one of my biggest sources of support, telling me how well I was doing and offering advice on how to push. When I finally held my baby in my arms, she told me how beautiful my baby was and how well I had done. She was the best nurse I’ve ever had, and I honestly don’t think I could’ve made it through labor without her there. Even my mom, aunt, and boyfriend said they loved her and could tell she was so passionate about what she does.
I remember asking her if she ever gets tired from working the 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift, and she said no because she just sleeps during the day and wakes up to go back to work. After I got my epidural, I told her I wanted her to have the DAISY Award because I felt so relieved from the pain. I promised myself I’d write about her. She never left my side when I needed her!
Later, my contractions started getting closer and more painful. I asked her for an epidural as the pain intensified, and I was crying from how bad the contractions were. She was right there, helping me with my breathing. When they brought in the epidural, I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. I started crying, saying, “I can’t do this anymore,” and she kept reassuring me, saying, “Yes, you can! Just keep breathing.”
When it was time for the epidural, I was having a contraction, and Cloee was holding me, wiping away my tears, and moving my hair out of my face. She kept encouraging me, saying I could do it. When they were cleaning my back for the epidural, another contraction hit, and I was in so much pain. She told me to lean on her, bite her jacket, or squeeze her—anything to help me through it. “I’m just here to help you,” she said. So, I decided to bite her jacket and squeeze her.
Later, during labor, I had to push for almost two hours. Cloee was there the whole time, being one of my biggest sources of support, telling me how well I was doing and offering advice on how to push. When I finally held my baby in my arms, she told me how beautiful my baby was and how well I had done. She was the best nurse I’ve ever had, and I honestly don’t think I could’ve made it through labor without her there. Even my mom, aunt, and boyfriend said they loved her and could tell she was so passionate about what she does.
I remember asking her if she ever gets tired from working the 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift, and she said no because she just sleeps during the day and wakes up to go back to work. After I got my epidural, I told her I wanted her to have the DAISY Award because I felt so relieved from the pain. I promised myself I’d write about her. She never left my side when I needed her!