Peter Maher. Chief Financial Officer and DAISY Board Member.
I come from a long Accounting and Financial Management background. I came to The United States from my native England in 1992 via a prolonged stay in China and Hong Kong where I ran manufacturing companies for a British company. When I arrived in the United States, I started work for a Media Planning and buying company that was owned and run by Mark Barnes. Mark and I worked together for many years before his retirement, and we became great friends.
When the Barnes Family started The DAISY Foundation after Patrick’s tragic passing, I would help out in any way I could on the accounting and business side of things. As the Foundation grew, I got more and more involved helping set up the business systems. I joined the DAISY Board in 2009.
After working on DAISY Foundation business for several years as I ran my own Financial and Management consulting company, I took on more and more duties and functions as DAISY grew and expanded.
I come from a long line of Nurses in England and have always been proud and passionate about DAISY’s mission.