What Healthcare Leaders Say About

Shining The Light On All The Right

We have been deeply touched by the feedback we’ve received about the book! 

Iman El Kouwatly, RN, BSN, MPH, Group Chief Nursing Officer, Saudi German Health
Recognizing the invaluable work of our nurses in Saudi Arabia through the DAISY Award has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. This initiative not only honors their exceptional compassionate care but also reflects the excellence embedded in their practice through the “Eyes of the Patient”.  Each award has its own story- stories of unwavering commitment, resilience, and the profound humanity that our nurses bring to their roles.

As an international Chief Nursing Officer, honoring our nurses and shining a light on their extraordinary contributions to patient care is both our responsibility and our pride. This recognition uplifts the entire profession, creating a ripple effect of motivation and commitment to patient-centered care. Thank you, DAISY, for expanding your recognition program globally and for celebrating the remarkable work of nurses everywhere.

Earl Dalton, MHA, MSL, BSN, NEA BC- Chief Clinical Officer & VP Clinical Services Health Carousel
"A beacon is what the DAISY Foundation and "Shining the Light on All the Right" have become to the global nursing community. I have personally witnessed the power of nurse recognition in countries such as Uganda, UAE, and the Philippines. I've witnessed that being honored with a DAISY Award is a career highlight for any nurse, regardless of the country they hail from.

From this unique vantage point, I can unequivocally state that the impact of DAISY is a global phenomenon. Upon publication of this 25th Anniversary Edition, DAISY ceremonies celebrating the compassionate care provided by exceptional nurses take place at more than 6,000 organizations in 42 nations worldwide. "Shining the Light on All the Right" has become a cross-cultural shared vision of compassionate patient care."

It’s an honor to partner with those that work at the DAISY foundation, watch them live out their mission to bring nurse recognition to every nurse, and "Shining the Light on All the Right”, simply does a wonderful job in capturing the spirit of this incredible life’s work!

ANDREA COYLE, DNP, MHA, NE-BC- Chief Clinical Officer, SE Healthcare
"Meaningful moments are the heart of meaningful recognition, and the DAISY Foundation captures them beautifully, making a positive impact on nursing worldwide. As a DAISY honoree, I'm reminded how one moment can transform a patient's healthcare journey, and this book eloquently celebrates that." 'Shining the Light on All the Right' is an inspiring story of how a family responded to the art of nursing they experienced and the difference it makes for patients and families like the Barnes's. As a DAISY honoree, I'm reminded how one moment can transform a patient's healthcare journey, and this book eloquently celebrates that."

ROSANNE RASO, DNP, RN, CENP, NEA-BC, FAAN, FAONL- Editor-in-Chief, Nursing Management, Core Leadership Team, Marian K. Shaughnessy Nurse Leadership Academy, At Large Director, American Organization for Nursing Leadership
"The astounding 25-year history of The DAISY Foundation under Mark and Bonnie Barnes' leadership is unparalleled by any other organization impacting nursing recognition. Staying true to the legacy of their beloved son, J. Patrick Barnes, and his unforgettable nursing care, DAISY has become a familiar name globally, recognizing all roles in nursing from direct care nurses to leaders, teams and more. It is a phenomenon that has transformed appreciation and led to outcomes beyond any one award. I have believed in The DAISY Foundation since its inception and could not be prouder of their success. Thank you, on behalf of every nurse, everywhere!

DEB ZIMMERMANN, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN- CEO, The DAISY Foundation, President, American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL)
"In this 25th Anniversary edition, Mark and Bonnie Barnes once again highlight the profound impact of meaningful recognition, illustrating how the connection between patients and nurses brings joy and healing."

JEAN WATSON, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, LL (AAN) - Founder/Director Watson Caring Science Institute
“Shining the Light on all that is Right: Celebrating the Art of Nursing Around the World mesmerized me through the beautiful writing and intimacy of the inner story of nurses. This personal journey of Bonnie and Mark Barnes commemorating 20 Years of The DAISY Award offers a testimony into the art of human caring nursing, unfolding through the unexpected, tumultuous, unbelievable, seemingly non-ending treatment and eventual loss of a beloved son - Patrick. Through this revealing story, Patrick lives on now, 20 years later, through the thousands of DAISY Nurses around the world, who 'shine light' where there is often institutional darkness and despair.  The DAISY Foundation continues to shine the light on nurses and nursing as Nurses continue to 'Be the light on what is right’.

I am confident that any DAISY Nurse and all DAISY Organizations, and indeed, nursing globally, will be elevated to a new level of hope, compassion, caring and love of nurses and nursing by having this book as background and foreground to understanding the depth and beauty of DAISY Awards worldwide.”

NELDA GODFREY, PhD, ACNS-BC, RN, FAAN, ANEF Founder, International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing
Truly remarkable things do not often happen in our everyday lives. We’re often jaded by celebrity drama or newsfeeds that grab our attention. Today, though, I hope you read this book—because you’ll see the truly remarkable difference that the DAISY Foundation has made. It makes a point of “doing the good,” of doing all that is right, on a global stage, in so many settings. Mark and Bonnie and their team have been the grand interpreters of the gifts of my profession of nursing, and we all are so grateful.

“In Shining the Light on All the Right: Celebrating the Art of Nursing Around the World, Mark and Bonnie Barnes describe how nurses lovingly cared for their son Pat during his final months of life, and their desire to honor his memory by starting the DAISY Foundation to spotlight nurses who provide exceptional care.  Their story instantly reminded me of the nurses who cared for my husband during his final days in the hospital, and the importance of hospitals providing compassionate care to people and their families.  I am in awe of the Barnes’ courage and determination to turn their devastating loss into an international program that inspires and lifts up nurses.”

BETH A. LOWN, M.D. - Chief Medical Officer, The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
"Shining the Light on All the Right is the poignant story of how a family's love and determination to honor the nurses who cared for their son during his struggle with a life-limiting illness fueled an international recognition program, the DAISY Award. But this is not just a memoir of a person or about a family. It is a story about how compassion changes people's lives, about how both offering one's compassion and receiving recognition for it fills us with a sense of meaning, purpose and joy. Most nurses consider caring and compassion part of their service. It is who they are. But meaningful recognition of compassion helps to set the culture and expectations for an organization. It's not just who they are, it's who the organization becomes. Ultimately, the DAISY story is a story about how compassion is a powerful force for personal and organizational change."

BOB DENT, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, CENP, FACHE, FAAN, FAONL - Vice President, Patient Care and Chief Nursing Officer, Emory Decatur Hospital
“In the Barnes’ incredible book, Shining the Light on All the Right, they turn the loss of their son Patrick to complications of ITP into a worldwide movement to recognize the compassionate care and contributions nurses make in the lives of their patients and their families. The book explains how The DAISY Award grew to become a widely accepted and prestigious award for a nurse to receive. One of the most important things a leader can do is recognize the contributions of individuals and teams for what they do. I’ve been a part of many DAISY Award recognition ceremonies in my career. They are always an emotional moment. Nurses are ‘just doing their job’ to care for their patients. They don’t always look for the recognition. So, when they are nominated by a patient, family member, or someone else, it is surprising. Thank you, Mark and Bonnie, for all you’ve done for nurses around the world. You too are making a difference!”

JASON WOLF, PhD, CPXP – President and CEO, The Beryl Institute
“If you are searching for what is good and right in healthcare, look no further. In holding to the bright power of a daisy itself, Bonnie and Mark Barnes provide us an intimate look into their personal journey from sadness to profound and lasting impact. Their story reminds us that when we lead with our hearts, are guided by compassion and are willing to acknowledge and elevate it in others, great things can and will happen. The story of the DAISY Foundation told in this book reinforces one of my longest held beliefs, that in healthcare our greatest calling is that of human beings caring for human beings. What the Barnes show us is that we all have the potential to be healers, to elevate our own humanity in caring for one another, and when we walk this journey we do not do so alone, but rather with so many who recognize the unlimited power of what this book calls us to do, shine the light on all that is right!”

KARLENE KERFOOT, PhD, RN, FAAN - Chief Nursing Officer, symplr
"Everyday millions of people suffer unimaginable losses and catastrophes. For some it is the end of their ability to "live." For others, they find meaning in the suffering and choose to go on to create greatness. Bonnie and Mark Barnes and their wonderful family did just that after the death of Patrick Barnes, a son, husband, brother and father. Out of the tears, the angst and the reality that Patrick's daughter – 14 week old Riley - would never know her father, the family asked the question, "What do we do now?" This is a beautiful story and testament of their 20 years of gratitude, compassion, and finding meaning in suffering that Bonnie and Mark grew into the DAISY Foundation and a worldwide phenomenon to honor and sustain the incredible love and support that nurses give to others.

This is more than a book about the DAISY Foundation and honoring extraordinary nurses who give extraordinary care every day. It is an elegant "how to live" book with many lessons for each of us to adopt to live our lives with so much more love, kindness, gratitude, purpose, meaning and compassion. Every story, quote, difficulty etc. is incredibly captivating and documents with engaging humor, and honesty how the DAISY Foundation has dramatically changed healthcare, cared for nurses and inspired others to find meaning in suffering."

JEFF DOUCETTE, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN - Senior Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer, Press Ganey
"In their book Shining the Light on All the Right: Celebrating the Art of Nursing Around the World, Mark and Bonnie Barnes share the pain and triumph of the loss of their beloved Patrick and how their experience became a global movement.  As a parent, I cannot image the pain of losing a child nor finding the strength to turn that experience into the beautiful reflection of love, compassion, caring, and gratitude that is the DAISY Foundation.  The heartfelt story of the creation of the DAISY Foundation and how the work of the Foundation now spans the globe, will move you in the most poignant and loving way.  Shining Light on the Right shares the incredible journey of how the Barnes family has turned tragedy into 20 years of hope, determination, and dedication to the global impact being made on a daily basis by every DAISY Nurse."

JOE TYE - Author of How The DAISY Foundation has Influenced the Global Healthcare Landscape
“Mark and Bonnie founded The DAISY Foundation with a simple goal of recognizing nurses for their compassionate excellence. But over the next 25 years, DAISY has become one of the world’s most recognized and respected healthcare brands. It has achieved a growth rate that would be the envy of any Silicon Valley startup. The positive impact DAISY has had on healthcare culture is attested to by the nearly 100% retention rate among DAISY Partner organizations. DAISY has significantly contributed to research on the importance of meaningful recognition in nursing, and during the pandemic played a vital role in helping nurse leaders manage burnout. Most importantly, the more than three million nurses who have been nominated for DAISY Awards almost all consider that honor to be one of the highlights of their nursing career. Every DAISY nomination shares the story of a nurse or nurse team. Shining the Light on All the Right shares the foundational story of the history and evolution of DAISY that lies behind those millions of individual stories."

KELLEY JOHNSON, RN, BSN – Nurse Kelley.com;
Inspiration for "Show Me Your Stethoscope" following appearance as Miss Colorado
"Shining the Light on All the Right is the incredible story of the creation, service, and mission of the DAISY Foundation. I was honored to know Bonnie and Mark beforehand, but after reading their raw, inspirational, and admirable story of heartbreak, triumph, healing, and turning their worst nightmare into true recognition for the nursing profession I am taken aback by their selflessness and generosity. The DAISY Foundation makes me proud to be a nurse and has changed the lives of so many of my colleagues. Shining the Light on All the Right is the feel good story everyone wants to read, and yet, it seems so much better simply because it's true."

"Shining the Light on All the Right" is an incredible journey by one of the strongest families I've had the privilege of knowing. The Barnes Family has turned the unspeakable grief of losing a son, husband, father, brother and friend into the most meaningful gift – recognition for what nurses have dedicated their lives to – delivering compassionate care to all. The DAISY Foundation has created global recognition to thank nurses, which is now a beautifully written and previously untold story behind the true meaning and power of nursing in honor of J. Patrick Barnes. I loved reading the book, it is an emotionally charged page turner which will live in my heart forever."