"The astounding 25-year history of The DAISY Foundation under Mark and Bonnie Barnes' leadership is unparalleled by any other organization impacting nursing recognition. Staying true to the legacy of their beloved son, J. Patrick Barnes, and his unforgettable nursing care, DAISY has become a familiar name globally, recognizing all roles in nursing, from direct care nurses to leaders, teams, and more. It is a phenomenon that has transformed appreciation and led to outcomes beyond any one award. I have believed in The DAISY Foundation since its inception and could not be prouder of their success. Thank you, on behalf of every nurse, everywhere!"
ROSANNE RASO, DNP, RN, CENP, NEA-BC, FAAN, FAONL- Editor-in-Chief, Nursing Management, Core Leadership Team, Marian K. Shaughnessy Nurse Leadership Academy, At Large Director, American Organization for Nursing Leadership
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